Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 3- Death By Power Point

Although we have 160 well maybe 120... lets just round it out to 100, highly motivated, physically fit, second lieutenants ready to learn about the Infantry, there's a few steps first. The dreaded classroom instruction has to come first so that we know what the heck is going on when we do get to go out into the field to shine. The important things to remember are; to take good notes, pay attention and stay awake (if you don't you will have to write a 1000 word essay on why you should, learn from my mistake). We did get to learn an array of useful information that other classes hadn't in the past, such as initial counseling, army writing style and how to train your platoon. IBOLC is taking a new focus on the administrative side of being an officer and our class is the guinea pig. We also got a classified brief and it was very informative. After hours spent filling out my security clearence I finally got to use it. My platoon did the 5 mile run as a diognastics for each individual to see where they were on the test. It was an easy week.

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